Инструменты пользователя


The verification process consists of 2 stages:

  1. Stage 1: Identity verification (usually takes 3 minutes).
  2. Stage 2: Providing additional information to obtain the «Investor» status.

Stage 1

1. First, you need to complete the verification process to deposit and withdraw funds. To do this, go to the «Wallet» section and click on the «Verify» button.

2. Choose the «Investor» status to be able to deposit and withdraw funds up to $1000 per month.

3. Сlick on the «Proceed» button to start the verification process.

4. Download the «Privacy Notice» and «Consent» documents and read them. Then check the box to proceed with the further steps.

5. Select your country of residence. Make sure it matches the one stated in your identity documents.

6. Choose the type of identification document: ID card and Passport.

7. Follow the instructions and upload photos of your identity document. The images must be clear and complete. For example, if you are using an ID card, take a photo of its front and back sides. Note: Allow camera access on your device, or you won't be able to complete the biometric check.

8. Follow the instructions: present the identity document to the camera. Take a photo of the document from the front and back. All details should be clearly visible. Click «Continue».

9. The system will prompt you to undergo a face verification. Click «Continue» to perform the face verification on your computer. Do not wear headgear or glasses, do not use filters, and make sure there is enough light during the recording.

10. Be sure to click the «Allow» button to use your device's camera for the verification process.

11. Additionally, you can click on the link at the bottom that says «or continue on the phone» to complete the verification process via your phone. Scan the QR code with your phone to complete the verification process.

12. After completion, please wait. ATAIX will verify your data within the specified time. Once your application is verified, you will receive a notification on this verification page.

  • Do not refresh the browser during the process.
  • If your application is approved, the page will display information about successful verification.
  • If your application is rejected, you will also receive a notification on this page and via email.

Stage 2

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