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en:h2k [2023/12/21 08:05] anelen:h2k [2024/04/26 10:26] (текущий) anel
Строка 16: Строка 16:
 ====== Dear users!  ====== ====== Dear users!  ======
-**To conduct transactions in a single-signature wallet with a USDT balance on the TRON TRC-20 network, TRX is required to cover the transaction fees. If your wallet does not have a sufficient amount of TRX (less than 80), our service will automatically exchange a portion of your USDT for TRX to cover the fees. Ensure that the withdrawal amount for USDT is 10 USDT less than the required amount to account for the fee and ensure the successful completion of the transaction. If you specify the entire amount for transfer without leaving a reserve for exchange, the fee will be deducted, and you will lose a portion of your funds.**+**To conduct transactions in a single-signature wallet with a USDT balance on the TRON TRC-20 network, TRX is required to cover the transaction fees. If your wallet does not have a sufficient amount of TRX (less than 60), our service will automatically exchange a portion of your USDT for TRX to cover the fees. Ensure that the withdrawal amount for USDT is 10 USDT less than the required amount to account for the fee and ensure the successful completion of the transaction. If you specify the entire amount for transfer without leaving a reserve for exchange, the fee will be deducted, and you will lose a portion of your funds.**
 **Additionally, please note that in a single-signature wallet with a USDT balance on the Polygon ERC-20 network, MATIC is required to cover the transaction fees. Ensure you have a sufficient amount of MATIC in your balance to ensure the normal functioning of transactions on this network.** **Additionally, please note that in a single-signature wallet with a USDT balance on the Polygon ERC-20 network, MATIC is required to cover the transaction fees. Ensure you have a sufficient amount of MATIC in your balance to ensure the normal functioning of transactions on this network.**
Строка 25: Строка 25:
   * [[en:h2k:terms|Terms and definitions]]    * [[en:h2k:terms|Terms and definitions]] 
-  * [[en:h2k:faq|FAQ]] 
   * [[en:h2k:instr|Instructions for using H2K Pro mobile application]]   * [[en:h2k:instr|Instructions for using H2K Pro mobile application]]

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