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en:h2k:faq [2023/05/15 04:41] – создано symbatken:h2k:faq [2024/04/26 10:26] (текущий) – удалено anel
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-===== H2K Mobile ===== 
-**Why is my app not launching?** 
-To fix this error, you need to reset the application cache. If that doesn't help, check if you have enough RAM. Also try reinstalling the application from one of the links on the site. If you see only a black screen after starting the game, then most likely your device does not have enough RAM. 
-**Can I run your application from a computer?** 
-Unfortunately, we only have mobile version. You can install the emulator on your device and download our application. 
-**My app immediately closes.** 
-To fix this error, you need to reset the application cache. If that doesn't help, check if you have enough RAM. Also try reinstalling the application from one of the links on the site. If after starting the game you see only a black screen, then most likely your device does not have enough RAM. 
-**I did everything you advised, and it didn't help.** 
-Write what error the phone shows you. 
-**How to create a wallet?** 
-To create a wallet, go to the "operations" section and click on the "Create wallet" button. Next, you will need to set the wallet parameters: the name of the wallet, the network of the blockchain wallet, the public keys of the signatories and the number of mandatory signatures for validating the transaction. 
-**Who are the signatories?** 
-The wallet that you create in our application is multi-signature. This means that a transaction will require several signatures in addition to yours as the owner of the wallet. Signers are people you choose yourself and who also sign the transaction. Each wallet has its own set of subscribers. 
-**Can I delete the signatory?** 
-If the wallet has already been created on the blockchain network, you cannot delete the signatory. If you need a wallet without this signer, you will have to create a new wallet without specifying this person's public key in the list of signers. 
-**Where do I get another person's public key from?** 
-Your subscribers need to download the application to obtain a public key. After the keys are released, the public key can be found in the "About me" section and copied or scanned by QR. 
-**Why can't I delete my wallet?** 
-The wallet is not subject to deletion, since it has already been entered into the registry of the blockchain you have chosen. We're sorry you don't need it, but there's nothing we can do about it. I can advise you to transfer all funds from this wallet to another address. 
-**Why do I copy the wallet address, but it is incorrect?** 
-Make sure that you copy the wallet address and not the address of your public account key. To get the wallet address, go to the "Assets" section and select the wallet you need. A screen with wallet details will open for you, select the "Get" button and copy the address from the pop-up window that appears. 
-** Why is my wallet not displayed in the system?** 
-Wait about five to seven minutes and refresh the application page again. If the wallet has not been displayed in your application, it means that an error occurred during creation and, unfortunately, you will have to create it again. 
-**Can I see my wallet in the blockchain?** 
-While the status of your wallet is "being created", you will not be able to see it, since our server is still processing your application. But as soon as you see the wallet address instead of this inscription in the application, it means that the wallet has been created. Now you can copy this address and drive it into the corresponding blockchain scanner. 
-**Can I import other wallets into your application?** 
-No, you can't import other wallets into our app. 
-**Can I create a wallet with my token?** 
-You can see the list of blockchains and tokens supported by us at this link:. If your token is not in the list, you will not be able to create a wallet with it in our application. 
-**Can I somehow find out the full list of supported tokens?** 
-You can see the list of blockchains and tokens supported by us at this link:. 
-**How does your wallet differ from other wallets?** 
-From the point of view of the blockchain, our wallet is absolutely identical to the usual one. The difference between our wallet is the implementation of the multi-signature business process: it does not take place on the blockchain, but with the help of an off-chain system. In our case, the signature is the public keys of each signatory. 
-**What happens if I am denied a transaction?** 
-It all depends on the number of refusals of the signatories. If the number of confirmations has reached the required number specified when creating the wallet, the transaction will be successfully sent to the blockchain. If there are fewer confirmations than the required number specified when creating the wallet, the transaction will not be sent to the blockchain. 
-**What happens to an unsent transaction?** 
-Our server perceives it as rejected and does not send it to the network. Accordingly, no commission is charged from you. You will see the unsent transaction in the list of your transactions. 
-**I have already sent the transaction, but changed my mind! What should I do?** 
-Contact your signers and tell them not to sign it. At the same time, contact support, specifying the details of your wallet. 
-**While signing the transaction, the amount on my wallet has changed. What will happen to the transaction?** 
-If there are not enough funds, the transaction will not be sent to the network and will be considered unsent. No commission will be charged for such a transaction. Also take into account the amount of commission that is added on top of the amount you transfer. 
-**Can I specify an amount greater than I currently have in my wallet when creating a transaction?** 
-Yes. To send a transaction to the network, it is necessary that when the transaction is confirmed by the minimum number of signatories, you have the required amount in your wallet, taking into account the commission. 
-**Can I specify as many signatories as I want?** 
-You can specify a maximum of 9 signatories. 
-**I need more than 9 signatories.** 
-You can specify only 9 signatories. We consider it inappropriate to have a larger number. 
-**I want to offer cooperation.** 
-Contact customer support or at this address. 
-**Can I find out who refused to sign the application?** 
-You can't find out from the application which of the signatories refused you. 
-**Can I find out the reason why I will be refused to sign??** 
-Unfortunately, this feature is still in development. At the moment, only the signatory himself can see the reason for his refusal in the "Signed" tab on the "Assets" screen. 
-**My transaction did not go online.** 
-Check whether the minimum required number of signatories has signed your application. You may have been rejected by more people than you could have. 
-**My transaction was confirmed by the required number of subscribers, but it did not go online.** 
-Wait for 5-10 minutes. If the hash of the transaction does not appear in the application after that, inform the support service of the UNID of your transaction. 
-**What is the UNID of the transaction?** 
-This is a unique application number for creating a transaction of this type: 2E19FB324B3867C146258915006AC7F0. 
-**Can I find out who signed the application?** 
-You cannot find out from the application which of the signatories signed the application. 
-**Can I find out the reason why I will be refused to sign??** 
-Unfortunately, this feature is still in development. At the moment, only the signatory himself can see the reason for his refusal in the "Signed" tab on the "Assets" screen. 
-**Can I transfer my address book to another device?** 
-Yes. Go to the "Subscribers" screen, click on the three dots on the side and select "Export" from the drop-down menu. Choose the export option that is convenient for you. 
-**Is your address book public?** 
-The address book in our local type application, that is, it is available only on your device and no one else. 
-**I want to set my own commission for the transfer.** 
-Unfortunately, this is not possible. Our system sets the commission itself, individual for each blockchain. 
-**How do you calculate your commission?** 
-You can read about it at the link: 
-**Who pays for the blockchain commission?** 
-The commission we charge takes into account the costs of the blockchain. 

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