

To log in, enter your email address and password.

After successful login, you will be directed to the main dashboard, which consists of the following sections:

Complete Map of Personal Account:

Top Menu Panel:

1.1. Main

1.2. Options:

1.2.1. Create Wallet

1.2.2. Make Transaction

1.2.3. Buy Cryptocurrency

1.3. Assets

1.3.1. All Wallets;

1.3.2. Transaction History.

1.4. Settings

1.5. Button «Deposit»

1.6. Button «Withdraw»

1.7. Interface Language

1.8. Button «Exit»

Side Menu Panel:

2.1. Home

2.2. All Wallets

2.3. Transaction History

2.4. Support

Upon entering the Personal Account, the workspace displays data from the «Toolbar» section. In this section, information about created wallets and recent transactions is presented. If there are no wallets and/or transactions on the profile yet, you will be prompted to create them.

Exiting the Personal Account

To end your session in the personal account, follow these steps:

On the «Home» page of the personal account, locate the button labeled «Log Out» in the upper right corner. Simply clicking this button will conclude your current session.

The option to log out is also available on the main page through the «Dashboard» section which can be expanded.

Immediately after completing this action, you will be automatically redirected to the login page of your personal account.

For additional security, especially if you are using a public computer or device, it is also recommended to close the browser or clear the cache and history after logging out.