How to Create a Wallet on the Test Network?

Dear users! Before conducting real payments, we kindly request that you try the test networks.

Blockchain test networks – are a training ground where people can practice without risking real money or making mistakes. Test networks work just like main networks but are used for learning and experimentation. They help developers explore new ideas, verify applications, and test them without any risk.

Links to test networks:

Here is an example of creating a wallet on the Tron Nile TestNet:

1) Go to the «Wallets» section in the bottom panel.

2) Click the plus icon in the top panel.

3) In the dropdown list, select the Tron Nile TestNet, enter the wallet name, and add signatories. After filling in the details, click the «Create Wallet» button.

To add signatories, click the contacts icon or scan the public address of the required signatory.

The procedure for adding signatories is described in 4.

The minimum number of signatures required to confirm a transaction is 1. If the wallet has more than one signatory, you can specify the number of required signatures in the bottom panel. For example, if 2 signatories are specified, the mandatory number of signatures is 1, but you can also specify all 2.

4) Wait for the server to process the wallet creation request.

5) The created wallet will appear in the «Wallets» section.