How to create keys/account in a mobile application?

1. Familiarize with the terms of use for the H2K application and accept them.

2. Click on the «CREATE KEYS» button.

The «CREATE KEYS» button is used to generate a new account.

3. Create a password for use in the H2K application.

This password will be required for transaction signing and for authorization in the application if this feature is enabled.

4. Tap on the notification screen «Показать мнемоническую фразу для создания новых ключей, я ее запишу» to reveal the mnemonic phrase .

BE SURE TO SAVE THE MNEMONIC PHRASE AFTER IT APPEARS! It is recommended to write down these 12 words in your notepad or another secure place. Avoid losing this information at all costs.

5. Click the «DONE» button after saving the mnemonic phrase.

6. Assemble the mnemonic phrase for verification, selecting words in the generated order from step 5.

7. After correctly assembling the mnemonic phrase, enter the phrase «Я подтверждаю» in the field at the bottom of the screen.

8. After successfully completing steps 6 and 7, press the activated «DONE» button.

Congratulations! Your keys have been successfully created, and now you have an account.