====== Withdrawing Funds to an External Wallet from H2K Lite ====== ---- The external wallet address (where you want to withdraw funds) can be any address of your choice. Let's consider an example of withdrawing funds to a Binance wallet. We will do this through a P2P platform. ---- The procedure for withdrawing funds is similar to the procedure for transferring funds. To withdraw funds, follow the steps outlined here-> [[en:lite:instr:5|Transferring Funds from H2K Lite Wallet]]. When filling out the transaction form, paste your Binance wallet address into the "Recipient Wallet Address" field. ---- Once the funds have arrived in your Binance wallet, follow these steps: 1) Log into the Binance app and select "Wallet" - "Spot" - "Transfer." {{ :ru:h2k:instr:б.jpg?300 |}} 2) Choose "Deposits" as the destination wallet. Then select the asset you want to transfer from your spot wallet, enter the amount, and click "Confirm.". 3) Go to the "Trade" > P2P section. {{ :ru:h2k:instr:24.jpeg?300 |}} 4) Click "Sell" and choose the cryptocurrency you wish to sell. Available market offers will appear. Fill in the fields: * Amount * Payment Method (choose the bank you want to receive fiat from) * Merchant - confirm this field to only see offers from verified merchants. 5) Click "Sell" next to the offer you like. {{ :ru:h2k:instr:25.jpeg?300 |}} You'll see the buyer's payment method, a payment window, and terms (if applicable) at the bottom. Enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to sell in the "For Crypto" section or the fiat amount you want to receive in the "For Fiat" section. To confirm the order, click "Sell." {{ :ru:h2k:instr:24.jpeg?300 |}} 6) A sell order will be created. Wait for the buyer to make payment through the chosen method. To contact them directly, click "Chat." 7) Once the buyer completes the payment, you'll receive a notification. Always verify the payment from the buyer by checking your bank account or wallet. Only after that, you can click "Payment Received" and "Confirm." Do not transfer the cryptocurrency until you've received payment from the buyer. After confirming that you've received payment, click "Payment Received" and "Confirm." The cryptocurrency will be transferred to the buyer's account. 8) You'll be prompted to confirm the cryptocurrency transfer using 2FA devices. ---- ** Note** * If you encounter any difficulties during the transaction, you can contact the buyer directly by clicking "Chat." To reach customer support, select "Help." * Note that you cannot place more than two orders simultaneously. To create a new order, complete the current one.