If you have chosen the «BTC Test» network when creating your wallet, follow these steps: * **Copy your wallet address** You can find the address of the wallet created in H2K Lite by going to the «Wallets» page and clicking on the wallet's name under the «Assets» section. This will display the wallet's parameters, including its address, unique identifier in our system, and blockchain network. Copy the wallet address from there. * ** Go to the website [[https://testnet-faucet.com/btc-testnet/| to get test BTC]]** {{ :ru:lite:instr:screenshot_2023-08-04_at_14.36.19.png?800 |}} Paste the previously copied address of your wallet and specify an amount not exceeding the one shown on the opened website (the amount in the screenshot may be outdated at the time of reviewing these instructions). Click on the «Send testnet bitcoins» button.. * **Wait for the balance to appear** After sending the funds to the provided wallet address, the balance will automatically update after some time (approximately 5-10 minutes). Please wait for the balance to be updated before performing any further operations with the wallet, especially if there were no funds on it previously. //Due to the limited availability of test bitcoins, we kindly request you to send the test bitcoins to this wallet address tb1q4280xax2lt0u5a5s9hd4easuvzalm8v9ege9ge after you no longer need them.//