====== Performing Operations in the H2K Application ====== **Note: The instructions are provided for application version No.0.1.49. In subsequent updates of the application, changes may be made, causing some interfaces to differ from those described in this instruction.** - [[en:h2k:instr:2:2:1|How to create keys/account in a mobile application?]] - [[en:h2k:instr:2:2:2|How to log in to an existing account?]] - [[en:h2k:instr:2:2:3|Account settings]] - [[en:h2k:instr:2:2:4|How to add subscribers to the address book?]] - [[en:h2k:instr:2:2:6|How do I create a wallet on the test network?]] - [[en:h2k:instr:2:2:7|How to create a wallet in the combat network?]] - [[en:h2k:instr:2:2:8|How to create a transaction/make a transfer?]]