===== How to Add New Payment Methods for P2P Trading in the Binance App ===== 1. Log in to the Binance app and go to the "Trade" > "P2P" section. {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:1.jpeg?300 |}} 2. Click "Profile" > "Payment Method." {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:2.png?300 |}} 3. Then click "Add Payment Method" > "All Payment Methods." {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:3.jpeg?300 |}} {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:4.jpeg?300 |}} 4. Choose your preferred payment method from the available options. Then enter your payment details and click "Confirm." {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:5.jpeg?300 |}} {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:5.jpeg?300 |}} {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:6.png?300 |}} 5. Confirm the request using your two-factor authentication device. The new payment method will be immediately available. ---- ===== КHow to Add New Payment Methods for P2P Trading on the Binance Website ===== 1. Log in to your Binance account and go to "Profile" > "Dashboard" > "Payments. Click "+ Add Payment Method" > "More." {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:11.png?600 |}} Or go to "Trade" > "P2P" and click "More" > "Payment Method." {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:12.png?600 |}} Scroll down to the "Payment Method(s) for P2P" section and click "+ Add Payment Method" > "More." 2. Choose your payment method. {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:13.png?600 |}} 3. Verify the payment method details and click "Confirm." {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:14.png?600 |}} 4. Confirm the request using your two-factor authentication device. The new payment method will be immediately available. {{ :ru:h2k:instr:1:4:15.png?600 |}}