====== Our Clients ====== ==== The main consumers of our service are:==== - Document management systems with electronic signatures; - Crypto Exchanges; - Platforms for management and automation of business processes; - Medium and Small Businesses; - Miners. ==== Application==== * Conducting settlements for goods and services between Enterprises; * Collection and creation of statistics on data from transactions on the blockchain; * [[en:h2k:terms#Business Process|Business processes]] within the enterprise, requiring [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-factor_authentication|multi-factor authentication]]; ==== H2K Solution ==== H2K solves the problem of access to the secret key by the manager using integrating with [[en:h2k:terms#HCL Domino Server|HCL Notes services]]. The creation of the wallet, the generation of keys, and their storage are built so that they are isolated from external connections. Thus, a high-tech "Chinese wall" is created, which does not allow the human factor to influence the client's assets. ===The H2K system allows two usage scenarios=== - by connecting a Partner Service (business process management, electronic document management, etc.); - by installing a separate program based on HCL Notes. [[en:h2k:doc:4:1|Connection of Partner Service]] [[en:h2k:doc:4:2|Connect via HCL Notes]]